Annual Physical Specialist

Annual Physical

Annual Physical services offered in Astoria, NY

Undergoing annual physicals is an excellent way to ensure your child stays healthy or detect possible medical problems before they turn serious. At Astoria Pediatric PC in Astoria, New York, Lilly Rodriguez, MD, FAAP, Costas Frousios, MD, and their skilled staff offer annual physicals for kids, teenagers, and patients up to age 26. Call the office to schedule a physical exam or use the online booking tab today.

Annual Physical Q&A

What are annual physicals?

Annual physicals are medical exams that occur yearly and consist of evaluations, preventive medicine, and treatments if needed to make sure your child stays as healthy as possible. Annual physicals provide an opportunity for your child to receive vaccines their school may require.

Your child or teen might also need a sports physical or school physical exam. These exams are important to ensure they are healthy enough to participate in school, sports, or camp activities safely. 

What should my child expect during annual physicals?

During annual physicals at Astoria Pediatric PC, friendly providers complete the following:

Vital signs check

An Astoria Pediatric PC specialist weighs your child, evaluates their body mass index (BMI), and checks their blood pressure, pulse, and other vital signs.

Medical history review

During a medical history review, an Astoria Pediatric PC provider asks about your child’s personal and family medical history, symptoms they may have, their lifestyle habits, and medication regimen. 

Physical exam

Your child’s specialist completes a physical exam to evaluate their overall health and wellness. They assess their breathing, heartbeat, eyes, throat, neck, abdomen, reflexes, and more. Astoria Pediatric PC also offers vision and hearing screenings.


If your child has signs of a medical problem, their provider may recommend blood tests, heart-function tests, lung-function tests, X-rays, or other imaging procedures. 


If your child needs treatment for a medical problem, the Astoria Pediatric PC experts are here for them and offer superior care. They provide vaccines, nutrition counseling, asthma treatments, prescription medications, injury care, and much more. 


After your child passes a school or sports physical, their Astoria Pediatric PC specialist signs off on the appropriate paperwork and gives you a copy.

When should I schedule annual physicals?

Schedule a physical for your child each year to ensure they maintain exceptional health or when they need a physical for sports, school, or a camp. You can also book an appointment for your child at Astoria Pediatric PC if they become ill, injured, or develop unusual symptoms.

To schedule an annual physical for your child at Astoria Pediatric PC, call the office or use the online booking tab today.